domingo, 31 de octubre de 2010

Teorías sobre el primer capítulo

Those are only excuses, for you to don't get mad. However you accept it, because you don't want to forget about him and don't want to forget about anything. You're a fool Alex. It's incredible how a letter could make you fall down. WAKE UP. Since 7 months ago, that you're sleep, and how now you've got a nice dream, you think it's real. And you know what? It's not, your mind invented it. It's your new shell, your bubble. I never told you, never, but I'm going to make you wake up, anyway
(Son solo excusas para que no te enojes. Encima lo aceptas porque tampoco queres olvidarte ni de él, ni de nada. Sos tan tonta, Alex. Es increíble como una simple carta te hace caer. DESPERTA. Hace 7 meses que estas dormida, y como ahora tuviste un lindo sueño, crees que es real. ¿Y sabes qué? No lo es, lo inventó tu mente. Es tu nueva coraza, tu burbuja. Nunca te lo dije, jamás, pero voy  despertarte como sea)

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